Saturday, July 4, 2015

"America's worship day of Independence"

Random Thoughts of Jesus' Bitch...

As I scroll through my page...& see the post your posts...I weep...

Today..."America's worship day of Independence"...we are slapped in the face with flags, & stars...bombs bursting in many forms...sounds crashing & clashing with symbol...and through the noise of it...all meaning is lost...

How can we celebrate...what we know is a LIE?

This is not a country the promotes freedom, free expression, or free is a place of corrupting & corrupted power...imposed...imprisoning us in our own purgatory...

We have exchanged on the market our freedom as humans...and bound ourselves to the chains of the so called "free market"...finding ourselves dragged into the current...hate, doubt, bigotry, power & control of our minds, bodies & environments...

Today is just such an example: Market driven is superficial...and that is the pain...We know it's a LIE...

I would encourage...If you choose to celebrate...celebrate by FREELY expressing yourself...& living it...

That is how I am going to celebrate...

For YOU bible thumpers...

"Now before FAITH came, [when I was asleep] we were imprisoned and guarded under the law [the rules, the control mechanism, the matrix, the government, the handlers] UNTIL faith would be revealed.......

But NOW that faith has come we are NO LONGER subject to a disciplinarian for in Christ Jesus you are ALL children of God [creator, consciousness itself perhaps] through FAITH [defined in another letter - as the "assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of that which is unseen"]

There is no longer Jew or Greek [the innies & the outies] no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female for all of you are one...

For FREEDOM Christ has set us FREE. Stand firm, therefor, and DO NOT submit again to the yoke of slavery." (exerts from the letter to the attributed to Paul, also known as Saul)

Faith frees the conscious...awakens us to think our own thoughts & feel our own feeling & make the connections we need to LIVE as we are...HUMAN...& part of a greater world...NOT Individual god's with permission to beat each other into subservience...Nor is it a call to lock our brains away with another control paradigm in Jesus name...

And that means...I am free to celebrate my Freedom in MY way...

May you celebrate & find comfort in the's your choice...with your Freedom

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